Bienvenidos al blog Crónicas Aldeanas, creado por Félix Anesio, para la difusión de mi obra literaria y la de todos aquellos que deseen colaborar. Asimismo, servirá para la promoción de otras manifestaciones artísticas y culturales.

Tale of Two Villages, created by Felix Anesio, for the promotion of my literary works, as well as any other participants who wish to collaborate. Also, this blog will promote other artistic and cultural manifestations.

martes, 24 de julio de 2012

An Odd Room, a short story from A Tale of Two Villages......

An Odd Room  

n a hot July night in 1962, the starry abyss above was the only companion of young Amadeo, who trotted silently on the path leading to Cinema Otranto. The sounds of his footsteps were light on the pavement.  His back was arched; he seemed to be crouching, as if not desiring to be seen. Yet a furtive wind blew over Amadeo’s face, pulling back his brown hair, revealing a stout nose, dark, profound eyes, square chin, and a pallid countenance.  He instinctively slung his arms over his face, averting the wind that had uncovered his features. He halted suddenly, and glanced back at the shops on the boulevard he was crossing. A strange effluvia emanated from somewhere; an indecorous, almost nauseating smell. 

an excerpt from A Tale of Two Villages, edition process by Voces de Hoy Ed.

Posted by Felix Anesio, Miami 07/24/2012

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