Bienvenidos al blog Crónicas Aldeanas, creado por Félix Anesio, para la difusión de mi obra literaria y la de todos aquellos que deseen colaborar. Asimismo, servirá para la promoción de otras manifestaciones artísticas y culturales.

Tale of Two Villages, created by Felix Anesio, for the promotion of my literary works, as well as any other participants who wish to collaborate. Also, this blog will promote other artistic and cultural manifestations.

viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Recommended Reading: "Something Wicked This Way Comes", by Ray Bradbury.

Dark poetry reigns in Bradbury's seminal novel of fantastic proportions. Jim Nightshade and Will Halloway, two boys in the author's fictional Green Town, Illinois, are captivated by the sudden arrival of a sinister carnival: Cooger and Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show. When they venture late at night after hours to procure a more furtive look at what goes on there, they find an unwanted horror that soon haunts them forever. Mirrors, mazes, calliopes, merry-go-rounds; the sweet idea of youth regained, old fears vanished, good vs. evil, and the importance of books all form part of motiffs that end in a single culminating moment when just one hearty laugh can vanish all the evil in the world. Stark, elliptical, and deeply poetic imagery permeate this grand work of magic realism, ala Americana. Buy at

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