Bienvenidos al blog Crónicas Aldeanas, creado por Félix Anesio, para la difusión de mi obra literaria y la de todos aquellos que deseen colaborar. Asimismo, servirá para la promoción de otras manifestaciones artísticas y culturales.

Tale of Two Villages, created by Felix Anesio, for the promotion of my literary works, as well as any other participants who wish to collaborate. Also, this blog will promote other artistic and cultural manifestations.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

e e cummings ... a question of individuality.

from the great american poet e e cummings i offer you, dear friends, a commentary of his own and a few poems to turn this cloudy morning in miami as radiant as it should be. thanks and happy weekend to all of you.

“So far as I am concerned, poetry and every other art was and is and forever will be strictly and distinctly a question of individuality… If poetry is your goal, you’ve got to forget all about punishments and all about rewards and all about self-styled obligations and duties and responsibilities etcetera ad infinitum and remember one thing only: that it’s you —nobody else— who determine your destiny and decide your fate.” e e cummings((October 14, 1894 – September 3, 1962)


i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth
day of life and love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of all nothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)


love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is more mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly
and more it cannot die
than all the sky which only
is higher than the sky

maggie and millie and molly and may

maggie and millie and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)
and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,and
millie befriended a stranded star
who's rays five languid fingers were;
and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and
may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea.


these children singing in stone a
silence of stone these
little children wound with stone
flowers opening for

ever these silently lit
tle children are petals
their song is a flower of
always their flowers

of stone are
silently singing
a song more silent
than silence these always

children forever
singing wreathed with singing
blossoms children of
stone with blossoming

know if a
lit tle
tree listens

forever to always children singing forever
a song made
of silent as stone silence of

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