Bienvenidos al blog Crónicas Aldeanas, creado por Félix Anesio, para la difusión de mi obra literaria y la de todos aquellos que deseen colaborar. Asimismo, servirá para la promoción de otras manifestaciones artísticas y culturales.

Tale of Two Villages, created by Felix Anesio, for the promotion of my literary works, as well as any other participants who wish to collaborate. Also, this blog will promote other artistic and cultural manifestations.

jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

... a mixture of reality and fantasy.

"A Tale of Two Villages is one of those journeys that once we start it, we cannot stop it..."

Carmen Luisa Pinto.
Ed. Voces de Hoy. Miami. 2012.

Illustrator Clara Morera.
“All the city lights seemed to dapple patches of light over her face. Whenever she stopped in front of a display window —full of polychrome beads and jewels and white pearls—the glow from a nearby light-post would reflect those colors against her face and she stood there, resembling the fiery embers of a summer fire. I stood, now, petrified on the sidewalk, dumb-founded, staring, observing her. It felt as though my eyes were like a vacuum, and I consumed all the zealous color from her, relentlessly, and I wished for a sweet, swift death; a death that would fill the unsounded void in me which only longed to possess this indifferent creature.
Bright crimson flesh. Sometimes her flesh would become bright crimson or salmon pink or pale blue or emerald green, depending on the beam of color she happened to walk upon. And I wanted to tear at her flesh, tissue by tissue, sinew by sinew, ligament by ligament, lightly, until I would find the kernel, the light of her being. Yank and pull and tear and dismantle her…”

An excertp from the short story Tobor, A Tale of Two Villages, coming soon...

Felix Anesio, June 2012.

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