Bienvenidos al blog Crónicas Aldeanas, creado por Félix Anesio, para la difusión de mi obra literaria y la de todos aquellos que deseen colaborar. Asimismo, servirá para la promoción de otras manifestaciones artísticas y culturales.

Tale of Two Villages, created by Felix Anesio, for the promotion of my literary works, as well as any other participants who wish to collaborate. Also, this blog will promote other artistic and cultural manifestations.

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

"And It Does Not Strive For Major Keys", a poem by Rogelio Obaya, translated into the English by Manny Delgadillo

A yellow violin, as beautiful as the autumn.

And it does not strive for major keys:
It knows how much the shredded dawn
weighs over its strings.
And it does not remain alone for an instant
Although three yellow hands caress it.
And it neither steals the air’s perfumes
Nor boasts in the windows of being
the color of the universe.
It’s simply an out of tune violin fatally
Wounded in the loophole of its memory.

3 comentarios:

  1. An excellent translation of a an excellent poem by Rogelio. Congratulations, Manny!

  2. An excellent translation of an excellent poem by Rogelio. Congratulations, Manny!

  3. In life if you do not learn to let go you cannot move on.
